Saturday, April 30, 2011

themeless month

Not a dramatic scene, but I really liked the ice hook that the gulls are perched on (the smudge in the sky just above the horizon is a gull in flight - when the photo is as large as my computer screen that gull shows up pretty good!). During "break up," ice from Cook Inlet is strewn along the banks and is just as grey as the volcanic silt mud they rest on. My effort here may not be apparent to anyone else. Mainly I'm trying to get comfortable with low contrast shots.

Maybe I do have a theme - get comfortable with begin uncomfortable. I really wanted this to come out sharp! But was already in bed, which accounts for the angle of this view, and didn't have my tripod handy. Martin waited as I held my breath in effort to be as still as possible for a shutter speed of 15 seconds. His patience ran out, "Are you done yet?" 'Course, I was holding my breath and couldn't answer!

Does this challenge any comfort zones? Probably not, as I took this in my own kitchen and boiled eggs are something I can generally handle without to much trouble. Maybe I'm working on allowing myself to take pictures of anything, and find the beauty or interest in simply what is.

This one is just something I had been staring at for about a week and finally decided to take a picture! The dark area, which I hope resembles a heart, is a fairly new development on this bone (a whale vertebrae) which has been on my deck for a handful of years. I think the dark spot, which there are several of, is a moss or a growth of some kind. The bone sat in the shadow but there was lots of light out that day. Light on the bone diminished the contrast of the heart-shaped image.

I played in this tunnel for quite a while! No one seemed too creeped out over that, thankfully.

Lucky timing - nice low angle of the sun made for shadow patterns, but still enough light for the bike riders to have crisp detail.
