Wednesday, September 28, 2011

interior rooms

I have created a space inside my home to begin seeing clients. What isn't seen in this shot is the massage table (not because it's out of the frame, but because I don't have it yet!). Though it might not look like much, I hope it is a space that folks will feel safe to begin their process of healing.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

shallow depth of field

Enjoyed catching the late light this evening and decided to not wait till Wed to post. Completely bagging the "one shot" approach I took 10 or 15... hope I'm not boring you with these 3. They're not varied that much, but I liked each of them. This is one of the twice bloomin' lilacs in my yard. Never saw them bloom twice on the East coast.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

moving forward

Moses and I walked the labyrinth at St. Mary's Episcopal Church on Sunday. We were the only ones there and spent an hour meandering the path, sitting in the center meditating, and taking pictures within the sacred space.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

more totems

A rather tattered Morning Cloak - visited me three times today.
