Monday, January 31, 2011

Light, Exposure, Manual Settings

Since this is the first month of Technique Twelve, I am still trying to figure out how to describe the technique I am attempting to work on each month. Rather than simply posting the various camera settings I think I will bore you with an explanation of my thinking/mission for each month and go from there.

For January I was trying to work on using manual settings to play with exposure and lighting. Specifically, I was hoping to become comfortable enough with the endless options on my camera dials so that I could successfully get the image I wanted without having to resort to 'auto' settings or flash photography. I was only moderately successful. While I do feel more comfortable with some of the settings, I am by no means fully confident yet. I am hoping as I play this game over the course of the coming year, I will be able to look back and see that I have indeed become satisfactorily proficient by year end! So on to my submissions for January:

Beside the obvious exposure challenges of the above picture, I had an added bonus of a weird green reflection which I tried to remove using photoshop. While I got rid of most of it, I am not totally satisfied with the end result. A bit of a learning curve there as well, so something else to work on over the coming year. Perhaps some research will show a simplier, tidier way?

While the above picture is pretty ordinary (and boring) if taken with all the auto settings on my camera, it was a bit of a challenge for me with the manual settings. Same with the one below. The bright snowblind outside the window and the sun streaming in, combined with dark of the desk & Mac's coat were more challenging than I initally realized. By the way, there are squirrels in her yard....the nerve! She would like to eat them all.....

Again, I have taken tons of icicle pictures using the auto settings on my camera, but trying to catch the motion of the drip with the extreme snow blind outside while keeping the exposures correct was a challenge for me. I was pretty psyched that I caught the big drip and a tiny bonus dot...

I am including the above pic simply because I am playing an art game with my sister and had to take a picture of my submission for that game. I used the tripod in a relatively dark room, manual settings, colors stayed true, so a success! :o)

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