Thursday, October 27, 2011

Abstract, Nature & Abstract Nature

As it turns out, this was a great topic for me this week.  I had been trying to get to this particular sculpture park for a few weeks now and the cosmos finally aligned properly so I could get there yesterday.  I think the fates decided to be kind to me by giving me these topics this week and then having the weather cooperate long enough (though it was iffy at times) for me to snap some images.  I am not sure what I would have submitted if my planned visit had fallen through because I had no other inspiration but this one.  I ended up with so many great shots that I had a hard time narrowing down my choices to submit just a few.  These were my favorites....

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I didn't think I'd come up with anything for this topic... but... I was wrong.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

more indulgence outside of assignments

The day after cooking at home for the folks, we treated them along with the extended family to a brunch in honor of their 50th. I didn't stick to the assignments at all, but I did learn a bunch by taking loads of pictures in effort to record these precious days spent in celebration. One thing I haven't practiced, & didn't even know I was missing by focusing on the nature/art shots that capture my attention, is timing. There is a lag from when I hit the button to when the shutter does what shutters do - which created many shots worth shuddering over! I missed so many unrepeatable moments. Makes me realize that there is a unique skill that wedding/event photographers possess.

the 50th wedding gift

After 50 years I guess they figured it may as well be forever...

outside of assignment

Forgive my indulgence... I've brought you right into the house and forced you to look at the family album! We cooked for the folks on the night of their 50th wedding anniversary (and it all came out yummy, though you'll notice we had a bit of food/mood enhancer around). First we cooked, then ate, then of course demitasse coffee was served... then... we just relaxed with each other...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Golden Hour & Doesn't quite belong....

This week I found the topics to be on opposing ends of the scale in terms of difficulty. I had no problem coming up with ideas for photos taken at the 'golden hour' but I had a hard time narrowing my choices down to submit just a few here. On the other hand, I had very few ideas for 'doesn't quite belong'. Just couldn't seem to get my mind around the idea well enough to come up with something inspirational. Looked all week. Found a few ideas out and about but nothing that panned out in the pictures. Tried taking a bunch inside using all kinds of different techniques and ideas, still nothing. So I am including some of the photos which I took during that trial and error period saying they 'don't quite belong' because they never actually achieved the intent of the topic. A stretch I know, but the best I could do this week! At least I am sort of back in the groove...... :o)

The first onebelow was in fact taken at the golden hour, but I was also trying to work on the 'silhoutte' topic I missed back in August.  I had an idea then, but never seemed to have the camera with me at the right time.  When I went back to take the shot recently, the tree (in the river) loaded with cormorans at sunset had moved with the high water and my opportunity was lost.  Below is a feeble re-attempt....silhoutte at the golden hour....

I love the golden hue on the water from the trees/sunlight and Orzo kind of blending in with it all....

I was pleased to catch the waning sunlight as well as the enveloping darkness and have it all be in focus!

The beginning of 'doesn't quite belong'..... playing with a light box and objects placed on top....

Then moving to futzing with the shadows said objects made on the wall.....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm still here

a contribution... more once I'm back in AK

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Street Signs & Close-ups

I think this might possibly be the funniest stop sign location ever. Every time I see it I want to say "Really? You think?!" The scary part is this residential road is not lit at night so if you approach this sign in the dark you truly cannot see the river beyond, it just looks like a continuation of the road. You could easily drive right in without even realizing your error. I always thought a barrier of some kind might be a better idea. The sign seems a bit understated.
A beautiful day to be out boating, Orzo and I were enjoy the last bits of summer sun on this lovely fall day.

Friday, October 7, 2011

stressed & shallow

I really couldn't figure out anything that I wanted to do for "stressed." Not because I don't have any, but because... I didn't know how to photograph it. This attempt may not mean much, but I "saw" it just before I went to bed last night. I did one of those "squeeze your head" things to the clock (please tell me you remember that from Saturday Night Live a million years ago). It triggered some sense of "11th hour." So... here's... stress....

And this one is just an extra. The sun came out after a light drizzle...
