Thursday, March 31, 2011

Black & White

For the first time since we started this game, I think I might have had a month where I accomplished at least some of what I set out to do. The first three pictures were taken intentionally for my black & white month. I have found I am trying to pay more attention to exposure and lighting and in some pics had some success, others not so much. I realize that the black and white images really start to show when I am not paying attention to light and focusing more on the subject or composition. I guess that is the idea of them, but clearly I still need to work at it!

I actually took the picture below last month when I was in Guatemala, but when I realized this month how little I pay attention to lighting I decided that I wanted to include this one. I was paying attention to the lighting and the composition at the same time when I took it, so I wanted to show I was capable. Still more luck than skill, but I am happy to say I am pleased with this one!

I read a photography book this month and one of the techniques mentioned was 'panning'. While I was waiting for Kelly one day I decided to be a creeper and practice my panning technique on the cars that were winging by on the nearby street. Turns out it is a lot harder than I anticipated (as usual). I really liked this one, so even though it doesn't fit in with my black & white theme for the month, I wanted to show my success!

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