Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Master the Master and Cool Colors

Well it has been an interesting adventure this week!  I can't say that I mastered the master (Andy Goldsworthy) but I certainly have come to appreciate how hard he must work at creating his ephemeral sculptures.  I tried to create several 'copy cat' versions and none came even remotely close to the reality I had envisioned.  Add that I then had to beautifully photograph said creation and it was all a bit much for me.  I did give it a whirl though and had fun trying a variety of different options.  Below is my closest rendition.  First photo below is obviously the master himself, second is my feeble copy.

To be totally honest I was so absorbed in trying to master a master this week, that I had pretty much decided I was going to completely ignore "Cool Colors".  Then the fates intervened.  I woke this morning to the most amazing pea-soup fog, thicker than I have seen for a very long time.  I dropped Kelly at school then raced home, got my camera and set off on a fog-filled photo journey.  While these may not in fact classify as cool colors, I wanted to share them anyway. I figure they are close enough? Cool and mysterious?  Cool and eerie?  Cool and misty?

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