Wednesday, November 23, 2011


While these photos are probably not technically what was intended by "Smile", I am taking a bit of artistic liscence and interpreting SMILE in my own fashion. Orzo behaves like a cat. We have discovered that he will chase a laser dot ALL OVER THE PLACE just like a cat. Up the walls, across the yard, under furniture. I keep waiting for him to wake up and realize that this is going no where, yet he continues to amuse. I do think he understands that I am the creator of this diversion, but he is happy to oblige regardless. I have been entertaining myself for days, not only smiling but totally belly-laughing. Seemed an appropriate submission for SMILE.

As a continuation of our tweaking conversation, I discovered that I am really bad at it! Turns out that taking the pic itself was a photographic challenge since I had to try to capture the laser dot and the fast moving dog in dim light (gloomy here today).  I tried unsuccessfully to lighten up these pics by tweaking but all I discovered is I really don't know how to do it properly!  No matter what combination I tried they came out too pixelated. I know there is a lesson in there somewhere but since my family is dancing from foot to foot waiting to be entertained, I will have to revisit the topic at a later date. Off I go!

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