Wednesday, August 10, 2011

reflections on a totem spirit

I didn't have the kind of lens necessary to do the other assignment. And I didn't have the mentality to do a "reflection" assignment. So I'm just submitting pics and pretending it matches what was asked of us.

Not too long ago a fellow volunteer at the Listening Post shared their fascination with Spider. There are many ways to receive Spider medicine, for him it has to do with communication and for me it has to do with being woven in relationships with others/life.

The last one is just a pic from my last night in Ireland. This lonely, abandoned outbuilding provokes dreams for me. There is a house, also abandoned, across the lane and I believe they belong together. I dream of renovating them, one as a home to share with guests and the other... my private art studio. This shot doesn't situate the shed, but to the West of it is an unimpeded view of the Mountains of Mourne and to the East, a clear view of the Irish Sea. 'Course, the same views are available from the house, so my guests will not be disappointed or deprived.

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