Thursday, June 30, 2011


I didn't tip the camera or rotate the picture, this plume of lilac florets was laying just like this. Heavy bloom.

Went walking with the intention of taking "horizontal" pics. Must have walked along this wall for half a mile before seeing that I was beside the theme the whole way.

I figured the cloud didn't need explaining, but wonder if this one does. I did mean to have the photo rotated (saved it that way but couldn't load it that way. don't know why). I thought the scar would be the horizontal image, but as it turns out the stretch marks leaving the scar are thin hints of horizontalness.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Diagonal and then some

Good news is I got my camera back, bad news is I got it too late to take any good pics for this weeks topic! The only true 'diagonal' pic that actually came out is directly below and was taken with the now infamous point and shoot. I think it might qualify as diagonal, but is also a pretty boring picture (in my opinion)

I took this picture today on my way to the boat (with my good camera). You might remember from past posts that this was the red boat house at the entrance to Hamburg Cove where we keep our boat. This boat house has always been the "symbol" of the cove and has been shot by many famous photographers over the years. Obviously it fell down some time over the winter and this is all that is left of that landmark. Not sure it classifies as diagonal but I had to share the pic anyway.

The last pic below was also taken with my good camera and definitely is a stretch for diagonal (other than the placement in the frame?!) but I wanted to share anyway. I have a hummingbird feeder hanging off my porch and I am endlessly entertained by their antics. Since I have been reading a book about close-up photography, I was inspired to try to get a good shot of their frolicking. I have now decided I need to invest in extension tubes, but I was pretty happy with the shot below.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I'm not sure if this is diagonal or vertical - I guess it's both. Not a great shot but it was fun. These gloves were sitting on a table in front of the place where I pay some of my utility bills. I saw the gloves, thought they kindasorta fit a diagonal composition, grabbed my camera and started snapping a few shots. A fellow walked passed me and entered the building. I was still there when that same man walked out of the building. Apparently it takes more time to frame shots than pay bills (I do think there is a lesson there - our art does require time). He approached me and asked what I was doing.

For a moment I felt stupid. How do I explain that I'm taking a photo of a dirty pair of gloves someone forgot on the picnic table? I sucked it up and with as much make-believe confidence I could muster I told the man that I was studying photography and the theme of this week's lesson was "diagonal."

He said he'd like to learn photography, has a camera that has loads of functions but he only uses it for point-n-shoot. He smiled, said good luck, and then went on his merry way.

I wish I asked if I could take a picture of him. He was just so clearly comfortable in his own skin... he would have made a great model. I might take on an extra credit project to do some more portraits and work on that fake confidence a bit more.

Horizontal Line?

I know this is a stretch, but my excuse is I was working handicapped. Not only did I have to use an old point and shoot, I have no idea how to set it to do fancier things than pointing and shooting. The one below of Ryan took a whole bunch of attempts because I couldn't get the pause between pushing the shutter and when the shot was actually taken in synch with his motion. Though his feet are not in this one, I was happy to finally get MOST of him (and in a perfect horizontal position!!)

This one is a cheat shot, but like your spider web one, I just wanted to share. I actually took it with my GOOD camera when I was in Oregon last month. I was hoping that perhaps the background mountain range could be loosely construed as horizontal?????

Friday, June 17, 2011

did you see the DPS piece on spider webs?

I hope you don't mind an extra post.... I took this pic (took bizillions, actually) on 27 May. I didn't post it for that month, but after reading the recent article I figured I'd post my efforts... You mentioned it during Photo Threesixtyfive: It's hard to photography a spider's web.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

symmetry & and other pairs

It is hard enough to stay on track without camera problems - I'm glad you took a few snaps in that last hour!!! I had some opportunities to play with the camera this week as I participated in a fund raising/awareness raising event: Alaska Run for Women. 'Course, I don't actually run. Fortunately there was an untimed walked as part of the event appropriately named: The 5 Mile Party Wave. I had a blast!

I wish I could have framed this better - this little girl wasn't going to stand for a pose! Her shirt's logo, written in pink duck tape, says Save My Ta-tas! After all, it was a Breast Cancer Awareness/Research fund raiser. Pro symmetry. Even if the shot isn't.

Accidental symmetry. Kinda?

These were two of the women on the team I joined. Our team name: Double Pleasure.
How perfect on Symmetry week!

There was entertainment along the 5 mile route. The local Taiko group played at the lagoon.


Not so much.
But it still struck me as fitting in a 'stretched' symmetry category.


My camera is on the fritz so I'll admit that I did absolutely no shooting until about an hour ago, then it was a frenzy to get something to post. Not my best submissions but atleast I have something to show for my week! I did have great ideas (or so I thought) but the reality was not as stellar as I invisioned..... I continue to be totally awed and inspired by the stuff on the DPS site, hope to be that good some day.... I would actually have to take time out of the craziness to practice though......hmmmmmm??????

I did doctor this last one a bit, I blacked out the bottom edges because the background of the original image was way too distracting to the symmetry. A bit of a cheat, but I liked it anyway.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

yep, framin'

I played with frames by looking through objects, as well as playing with framing the image within the composition. At least that's how I think one talks about these things. And, you'll notice right away, I'm stuck in b&w. Last year it was sepia...


While I understand that the idea of 'framing' was not meant to be taken so literally, I decided to have fun with this topic by using a cut-out I had created for an artistic project. The idea behind the artistic project was to pay attention to composing and negative space. For framing, I thought it provided a unique way to frame a photograph. Not something I'd do all the time for obvious reasons, but it was fun for this 'task'. I didn't tackle 'treasure' though I suppose the picture of my dog Mac could be construed as treasure and frame in one?
