Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I'm not sure if this is diagonal or vertical - I guess it's both. Not a great shot but it was fun. These gloves were sitting on a table in front of the place where I pay some of my utility bills. I saw the gloves, thought they kindasorta fit a diagonal composition, grabbed my camera and started snapping a few shots. A fellow walked passed me and entered the building. I was still there when that same man walked out of the building. Apparently it takes more time to frame shots than pay bills (I do think there is a lesson there - our art does require time). He approached me and asked what I was doing.

For a moment I felt stupid. How do I explain that I'm taking a photo of a dirty pair of gloves someone forgot on the picnic table? I sucked it up and with as much make-believe confidence I could muster I told the man that I was studying photography and the theme of this week's lesson was "diagonal."

He said he'd like to learn photography, has a camera that has loads of functions but he only uses it for point-n-shoot. He smiled, said good luck, and then went on his merry way.

I wish I asked if I could take a picture of him. He was just so clearly comfortable in his own skin... he would have made a great model. I might take on an extra credit project to do some more portraits and work on that fake confidence a bit more.

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