Thursday, December 8, 2011

4 Elements & Panning

Since it finally stopped raining here, I headed to the woods today to try to transform my brilliant idea for panning into a reality. Turns out, as it always seems to be with my photography, that my idea was a lot harder to make a reality than I anticipated. Normally Maci stays right with me on the trails but Orzo can be counted on to race all over the woods. I had illusions of catching him as he raced about, but of course today he stayed right with me. When he did venture off, it was always in a position that made panning impossible. Below is the best attempt of the many shots I tried to get. Clearly he is out of focus, but I liked the image anyway. Since it quickly became clear that my panning plans were going to be a flop, I decided to move over to the 4 elements topic and try that instead. I wasn't inspired at all (which is part of the reason I was doing panning) but I was getting desperate. I snapped the water picture below intending for it to be the first in a series of 4 individual images for each element. I took the model boat picture earlier in the day today, initially hoping to get a good panning shot of the fleet but they were finishing up just as I arrived.  It became "Wind" instead.  I took a few 'earth' pictures while out hiking, but nothing too inspirational, so I quickly lost my enthusiasm for the subject. So I am admitting defeat and simply submitting what I have thus far. I may revisit the panning topic again as I would love to catch Orzo mid-leap as he frolicks in the woods, looks just like a little deer..... Unfortunately nothing too inspirational this week.....

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