Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Before & After

Alas my life is not destined to be easy.  Since it is the festive, holiday time of year I decided early on in the week that I would snap a picture of our christmas tree (using manual settings, at night with no tripod to add to the challenge) as my before and do a cool photoshop technique I learned way back in June for my 'after' version.  Problem is that I can't remember how I did the technique!  I thought I wrote it down, but unfortunately I did not.  I thought I had saved the images that I practiced the technique on (so I could go back and rediscover them at a later date) but sadly, I didn't do that either.  So the technique is lost unless I can drag up the forgotten steps from the abyss of my brain or until I can find another source of instruction (if I could remember where I learned it from originally, life would be grand indeed)  As a result I am forced into a compromise situation.  I am in fact submitting my xmas tree pictures which show the use of a photoshop technique, but it is NOT the one I intended to use.  I guess they came out ok but I sure wish I could remember how to do that other technique...



I got a little carried away playing with the various blending options so the image below is a direct result of too much messing when I should be in bed!  Weird, but interesting?

(after, after)
While trolling through my CD's earlier in search of the images I doctored back in June, I did come across an image I had of one of Ryan's dancer friends that I had doctored. I did not take this picture, she provided it to us, but it does sort of show the technique I was looking to repeat this week. Unfortunately it is much more dramatic and effective with landscapes/flowers/buildings - doesn't seem to work as well with people.  I think it is a great photo anyway...pretty impressive, huh?  Ah to be young again....

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